Notice Regarding Support at Home
Please find an update on the progress of e-Tools Support at Home [eSAH] software here, with timelines for the beta version & new agreement.
17 January 2025
Dear Client/Provider,
This is just a quick notice to update you on the progress of e-Tools new e-Tools Support at Home [eSAH] software.
Firstly, the Department has not yet released all of the requirements, and the manual will not be available until some time in March. As such, all of the final requirements are not known and/or may change, based on the information we have been able to receive to date.
Secondly, we were in contact with Russell Kennedy [RK] today and the advice received is that RK is working towards releasing the new agreement in late March, but possibly April as the Department has once again delayed the release of the required information.
Please note we cannot add the agreement to the new software until RK has completed its work and provided us with a copy of the new agreement.
Having said the above, e-Tools has a team of developers working on the new software and we hope to have a beta version that can be demonstrated in early to mid-April. Because of the large number of clients who are impacted by the change, we feel that the easiest way for us to demonstrate the new software and respond to queries will be to run and do the demonstration as part of a webinar. Given the numbers we will need to run several webinars and will advise you of the dates so you can log in and see the new application.
It is our intention to continue to keep you up to date via notices we release plus our Splash Screen on the software and also via our support system.
If you have any specific queries, if you can lodge a ticket via the ticketing system we will respond to the queries (clients) or send us a message via our contact page, and where they are general in nature we will release the query and our response more broadly to our entire client base. Thank you and I apologise for the lack of information, but we are sharing your frustration as it impacts significantly on our progress to provide you with the software you need from 1 July 2025.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
General Manager
e-Tools Software
Please circulate to the relevant managers & team members within your organisation. You can download a copy of this notice in printable format here if you wish.