Highest Level of Data Protection
ISO 27001 certification is issued to highly efficient organisations that prove they have an information security management system of an internationally certifiable standard.
With a commitment to continuous improvement, we continue to monitor our ecosystem, and we highly recommend that you consider some of the general security measures below, to further strengthen data protection within your organisation.
Our Windows and Cloud aged care software solutions are developed with these security options available, ready to be deployed to help minimise potential cyber threats.
Learn about our secure solutions

Cyber Security Measures
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) or Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
2FA requires an extra login step on top of the user’s password, to minimise risks associated with compromised passwords. It can reduce the success of phishing and similar attacks, because a second layer of approval is requested for user access to an application.
The Google reCAPTCHA service is important to help prevent automated cyber security threats. Triggered upon too many failed login attempts, users will be prompted to verify their identity via the reCAPTCHA widget.
Password complexity
Enforcing password complexities can significantly increase your protection. You can introduce complexities such as minimum number of characters, inclusion of uppercase, numeric and special characters. You can also select to enforce periodic password changes for added protection.
Azure AD^
Currently available as an integration option with e-Tools’ NeRA Cloud software, Azure AD is a secure user authentication solution. Streamline user access to your applications & resources using MFA and/or Single Sign On (SSO).

Your Agreement Data is Secure in NeRA Cloud
NeRA Cloud is the evolution of e-Tools Software’s trusted flagship product from Windows to Cloud. Cloud technology enables you to meet challenges in a new era, in a more secure environment. Unique to NeRA Cloud:
Azure AD Integration Option^
Secure user authenticator option to streamline access to apps & resources with Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) & Single Sign On (SSO).
DocuSign Integration Option^
Electronic signature option to get agreements signed & returned faster. Reduce the admin burden associated with document distribution.
Data Integrity
Web hosting via Amazon AWS included, offering global-standard infrastructure & data security. Data sovereignty is assured, using only Australian data centres to comply with data privacy requirements.
Enquiries-Admissions Management
Occupancy-focused enquiry & sales management pipeline, aimed at increasing your conversion rate. Access this data securely anywhere, any time.
Filter Tool
Search & segment your enquiry register by specific criteria, to help manage prospective admissions.
AN-ACC Ready
Updated to new funding model, the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC).
Free Legal Agreements
Currency of five legal agreements maintained in collaboration with Russell Kennedy Lawyers.
^Azure AD & DocuSign are integration options & are not part of the NeRA Cloud standard package price inclusion. Organisations will need to manage their own Azure AD & DocuSign accounts.
Supporting Providers Since 2004
Developed by Australian specialists with 18 years’ experience for Australian providers. With direction from our team of management consultants with 40 years’ experience, our solutions have depth to help you navigate complex aged care requirements effectively.
Proven Compliance
e-Tools Software has been trusted for reliable, compliant solutions for nearly two decades, across aged care, home care and NDIS. You can rely on us for ongoing support & additional guidance on compliance & financial viability issues.
Contemporary Solutions
In 2006, the launch of our flagship software NeRA revolutionised the agreement generation process. Always ahead of the curve, we adopted mobile apps & more recently cloud technology, to enable you to be on top of your game & will continue delivering innovative solutions.